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Why Choose Us?

Children will learn through imagination, creativity and play while offering parents the peace of mind that comes from knowing their children are in great hands.

  • Modern environment designed to meet the needs of babies, toddlers and pre-school children
  • Carefully hand-picked qualified team with regular training and support keeping fully versed in childcare management
  • Proud on providing children healthy, balanced meals and promoting physical exercise
  • All staff will have training in Safeguarding, Paediatric First aid, Health & safety and Food & hygiene
  • Safe and secure environment with CCTV, Door lock buzzer systems and secure large play area
  • Following the frame work tailored for learning and care in the early years known as Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS)

Staff are trained to promote a carefully planned structure for your child’s day through close monitoring of individuality and provision of ongoing activities to enhance and support your child’s development to their full potential. We aim to have confident, independent, sociable children with a sound knowledge of the world around them. Children learn about the world around them from the moment they are born, the care and education offered from Our Kids Nursery will encourage and promote their learning. We plan activities through child centred methods and take the lead from the child throughout the day. This is done through exploration, talking, experimenting, thinking and creation in a responsive and respectful manner.
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